
Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Ideas for creating digital moving artwork

Today I had a lesson where I was told I would be required to make some digital moving image/ giff artwork by editing some of my current and future work so that it will move in some way.  We can use the image to be displayed at the end show when exhibiting out work to add something different to the show and also the final moving image could be put onto our website to add a little extra spark keeping viewers occupied. 

As I have just began my final major project I thought this would be an appropriate time to record some ideas and do a little research into some moving artwork that interests me and that I like the look of. I must admit I am not a massive fan of moving images but as i've looked into it a little more i've found I'm keen on in the idea of having a little bit of an image move or changing colour. I thought as my current work is based around shape that it would be a good idea to include an illustrator file of a simple shape or a drawing from my sketchbook and have it expand out into another patterned shape.( The image I found on Tumblr below is an example of this) 

I think this idea would be effective because it could make quite a simple shape transform into something that appears more detailed and exciting. I also see this as a really good way to explore a new side to surface design as it's something different that I have never tried or really even looked at before so it's adding a little fun into it.

I'm also fond of the idea of having an image on my website that could be interactive for the viewer to play around with as I think this is a good way of them feeling like they are getting involved in your work. Another idea I would like to consider is the idea of creating a moving image to some music, almost like a mini video to suit the music. I have seen a video by the band Tame Impala for their song 'Half Full Glass of Wine' which I think displays a really good example of a video that includes lot's of moving imagery. I'm not quite too sure how it has all been created but I like the handcrafted aesthetic to it as there are some illustrations that don't look too digital and the changing of colours and intermixing of different medias adds energy. Furthermore the changing of images in timing to the rhythm of the song really adds character to the video and I feel it works really well to displaying an imaginative vision to the song.

I have collected some images of some giffs and moving images that I have found online mainly on Tumblr. Sadly I couldn't find any with references to who's work they were so couldn't list any creators.

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