
Thursday, 12 January 2012

What does freedom mean to you.....

For a starting point in my research I decided to ask people what the word 'freedom' means to them on a personal level & what kind of things do they like to do to feel free.

Here are the opinions I have received:

"Freedom is braking away from something & feeling at peace. For example if someone is an alcoholic & becomes clean or when a bird brakes free from a cage."

"I like to go running to feel free & take in the fresh air".

"Releasing an animal into the wild".

"I like to go surfing to feel free".

"To me freedom means to be happy & carefree, having nothing to pull you down & no attachments. I see animals as free spirits as they can wonder the world whenever they choose".

"I like to listen to music or take a long walk to feel free. As doing artistic things like painting makes me feel free".

"Something that has controlled somebody''s life in a negative way, has been released & they are free from that specific thing i.e drugs, alcohol abuse, or even a shopping addiction".

"Health wise like somebody is free from the pain, I see stuff like that as freedom. Also grief. When you no longer grieve from a lost love one - I see that as freedom from the grief".

"I can think of two: 

1. Walking in the countryside or in a really nice park with lots of trees & not too many people on a nice day, when its not too hot but when the sun is out.

2. When I have the house to myself for like a whole weekend & I can just wash the pots or iron with my favourite music on & sing along to it".

I think I have received some brilliant feedback from people to get me going in a good direction for this project. I have been especially touched by the comments on becoming free from addictions like drugs as I never thought of going so deep into the subject matter in a depressive way. I am currently halfway through reading an autobiography which has included a major battle with heavy drug use, which I think could have actually triggered the subject of freedom in my mind without my realising. I also recently watched the film 'The Kings Speech' which can also be seen as some one who battles with a speech & nerves problem for a long time who works on this problem & eventually becomes free from it. I think this is a good direction to go down & could lead me to generate some interesting ideas to work with. 

I shall now consider these responses & try to channel them into something visual that I can put into my sketchbook. I would also maybe like to experiment with some photography, as its something that I like & could later edit on photoshop which I will be using in this brief. 

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