
Thursday 20 December 2012

Frodo Mikkelsen - Skull Sculptures

For my current brief I am coming up with a visualisation for a chosen song to put onto a glass wall in a studio for the company Music, the brief is a called Fish Tank. I decided to choose the song 'White Rabbit' by the 60's band Jefferson Airplane. I chose the song because the lyrics are very unusual with the women singing about the visualisations of taking drugs and they make me think of imaginative illusions which I could draw/create. The song is also based around the theme of Alice in Wonderland with the women singing lyrics like "go ask Alice when she's 10 feet tall" and "remember what the door mouse said feed your head". I decided to base my image around the idea of "feeding your head" so I began drawing skulls and heads with things coming out of them. The objects that I chose to come out of the head were mushrooms, caterpillars, leafs, smoke and white rabbits. Below are some examples of some experiments I have been working on.

When looking for some inspiration for this brief of skulls and heads and things coming out of them I came across the artist Frodo Mikkelsen. He created sculptures of skulls with little words on top of them almost like they are coming out of the skulls. He also creates some really imaginative paintings based around a similar theme. Looking at his work has inspired me to maybe make some sculptures or something more 3d perhaps for my final major project next year. Some examples of his sculptures and paintings are below.

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