
Monday, 22 April 2013

Eric Standley and Church Leaflets.

I stumbled across Eric Standley on the internet, who creates these stunning pieces which are replacers of stain glass windows. They are created with paper which has been cut out and the detail in them is quite astounding. I like how the artist has made the stain glass window become more 3D and added depth to it with the different layers found in the paper cutting. I found a connection with this artist which my current brief as it links in with the images I have been looking at for my primary research of stain glass windows in churches. It has inspired me to think out of the box for my ideas and consider lots of different methods of working and playing about with different techniques and materials through my experimental stage. I really love the detailed patterns that are in these designs by Eric Standley and could see this type of design being created on illustrator to make a digital pattern or being screen printed onto fabrics. I could also see this type of design being transformed into laser cutting and vinyl cutting to create some vinyl sticker designs. Furthermore I am drawn to her textured paper backgrounds and would like to maybe screen print onto some similar textured paper or layer designs over them on photoshop as I think they work well as being backgrounds that don't over take designs that are put on top of them with them not being too detailed.

Linking in with this artist is a pile of old church and cathedral leaflets, which I found being unused at my nana's house. I have found them to be such an inspiration and help for this project because of the amount of images in them. They are full of the interior and outside of churches and cathedrals and they have some really unusual imagery, which I have never seen anywhere else before. I have drawn some of the patterns, which stood out for me for my development work and have also really taken to the gothic type imagery inside them.

Below are some examples of images of these church and cathedral leaflets.

I have looked quite a bit at the ‘gothic period’ in for imagery of the décor of that time and also been very inspired by that. I also found an amazing book titled “Gothic’, which was full of black and white images of the gothic period patterns and buildings and I have also used this for drawings. Looking at this particular style of patterns has lead me to add lots of texture and a grunge type style of painting and drawing in my sketchbooks (especially with the backgrounds) I would like to incorporate this into some my final designs by using this type of textured style for backgrounds and layering with my hand drawn scanned in designs on Photoshop.

Below are some examples of my sketchbook drawings and experiments showing what I have discussed above.

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